Cross Country/Track & Field
Booster Club
Join the Booster Club!
Complete this Registration Form to join now.
**Membership is good for one household and is good for both cross country and track/field seasons**
Membership supports Senior Scholarships awarded by the booster (only athletes whose parents are booster members are eligible), includes a team shirt for your athlete and a lunch at all meets.
Purpose: support the cross country, track and field athletes on the Westwood High School team. The booster actively supports the athletes and coaches through donations of time, energy and fundraising as needed.
Funds are used for:
Meet Meals (55-60 athletes/ 6 meets)
Team Shirts
T&F Activity Fund
Senior Scholarships ($500/ eligible senior)
Banquet (free to all athletes)
Large Purchases:
Golf Cart
Pole Vault Top Pad
2024-2025 Executive Board Members
President - Jennifer Harney,
Vice President - Aditya Datta,
Secretary - Cory Vessa,
Treasurer - Joyce Hewett,